Amir Michalovich and David Romero are once again taking our NVivo offerings to the next level. Amir and David our our Graduate Peer experts in NVivo. They have now developed what they hope will be the most optimal NVivo offering for UBC graduate students yet: Qualitative Data Analysis Work Along. Even if you have been to all of their other workshops in NVivo, this work along will provide the space for you to work on your own data with these two Nvivo graduate peer experts in the room. Add to this that your fellow students will also be in the room, and you will find that your chances to have breakthroughs and clarity with your qualitative data are quite high.
Check out the workshop description:
Workshop Description
Are you a graduate student conducting qualitative data analysis (QDA)? Are you using software (e.g., NVivo) for conducting QDA? Looking for a supportive environment for analyzing your qualitative data? Interested in connecting with other graduate students who are analyzing qualitative data as well as with NVivo specialists from UBC Library’s Research Commons?
Join the Qualitative Data Analysis Work Along sessions to ask questions, share resources, and explore various analytic techniques, with guidance and support from Amir Michalovich and David Romero, Qualitative Data Analysis Graduate Assistants at UBC Library’s Research Commons.
We will meet several times during the term for Qualitative Data Analysis Work Along sessions. All sessions will take place in Room 217, Koerner Library from 10 AM – 12 PM.
In the QDA Work Along sessions you will have an opportunity to:
- Ask any question related to QDA or QDA-related software.
- Receive on-site support from Qualitative Data Analysis Graduate Assistants at UBC Library’s Research Commons.
- Advance with analyzing your qualitative data in a supportive environment.
- Raise topics and questions for discussion and inquiry with the group.
Register for the full (or partial) set of offerings today!