Geodisy (Phase 2) – 2020 to 2023

Text: Geodisy Image: behind the text is a map of part of New York City as it appears in the Geodisy software

What is the purpose of Phase 2 of the Geodisy project?

Phase 2 of the Geodisy project, now funded by the New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization (NDRIO), integrates Geodisy into Canada’s Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) Discovery Service, including changing the metadata source to FRDR’s expansive metadata database. Phase 1 of the project focused on building the open-source geospatial-discovery software, Geodisy, and harvesting metadata from Scholars Portal Dataverse.

What is FRDR?

FRDR is a data repository, discovery service, and preservation processing system developed collaboratively between the Canadian Association of Research Libraries’ (CARL) Portage Network and the Compute Canada Federation (CCF). The FRDR Discovery Service harvests and aggregates metadata records from over 70 regional, domain-specific, and institutional data repositories to make Canadian research data discoverable from a single search platform.

How does FRDR use Geodisy?

FRDR’s Geodisy map search (beta) is an open-source discovery tool that allows users to find open data from a variety of Canadian repositories using an interactive map. Research data can be hard to find, and even harder when looking for data about a specific area or place. Geodisy changes that, giving users a window into the world of research data with straightforward map-based tools. Currently in beta, the map search includes datasets from repositories indexed by FRDR with bounding-box metadata. FRDR-indexed Dataverse repository datasets with location metadata and/or geospatial files are also included. FRDR’s Geodisy will continue to expand upon its collection to include more datasets from FRDR’s data-repository sources.

Geodisy Phase 2 in the news

The UBC Library Research Commons integrates open-source data discovery tool Geodisy with Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR)

Learn more about Geodisy

Geodisy on FRDR: 
Look for us on Twitter! #Geodisy
We are happy to chat. Contact the Geodisy PI at

Please note that the Geodisy project will end in March 2023 and at that point in time, will be fully integrated into the LUNARIS search interface.