Citation Management for Researchers Using Multilingual Materials, Part 2

Whether you are a researcher or a student of any subject, your work involves the collection of documents. In addition to administrative burdens with storing, organizing, retrieving, and correctly citing materials that grow heavier over time, multilingual scholarship has been left behind in the long arc of reference manager development. Juris-M fills this gap in the research toolchest, with full-lifecycle support for managing materials in multiple languages. Join us for this session in which we explore Juris-M’s functionality in citing and creating bibliographies and sharing your research. Juris-M is based on the popular open-source Zotero citation management tool to help you better organize and cite your multilingual materials.

Please note that this session continues the previously offered Part 1 on (1) collecting resources; and (2) organizing materials and that instructors for this workshop will again be primarily using Japanese language materials for (3) citing and creating bibliographies; and (4) sharing your research.

To view the video recording of Part 1 and to download the instructions for Juris-M installation, please visit

We recommend you install the Juris-M software on your computer prior to this session.