Read all the news stories and articles from the Research Commons team. To stay up to date with all offerings and workshops, sign up for the bi-weekly newsletter and find past editions here.

Check out our online workshop offerings
April 8, 2020 Register today!Tagged with:
Research Commons during COVID-19 situation
March 25, 2020 Due to the quickly evolving situation with COVID-19, in-person workshops have been cancelled for the remainder of the term, but there will be online opportunities to take their place. Keep up-to-date on these opportunities by subscribing to our newsletter All consultations continued to be offered online. Book a consult. Learn about the UBC Library response to COVID-19. […]Tagged with:

Job posting: Workshop content developer and presenter, GIScience
March 19, 2020 Interested UBC Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows may apply by April 5: Graduate students apply at Careers Online Postdoctoral fellows email application to Location UBC Vancouver (most work online) Position Description The UBC Library Research Commons is accepting applications for graduate students or postdoctoral fellows to develop and deliver workshops on technology skills […]Tagged with:

NEW: Research ethics consults in UBC Library Research Commons
March 4, 2020 Have questions about your research ethics application or research ethics in general? Staff from the Office of Research Ethics (BREB) will be onsite (Room 495) in the Research Commons | Koerner Library every Wednesday from 8:30 am. Drop ins are welcome, or contact to book a time. Need help right now? Check out with:

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT)
February 13, 2020 The Research Commons is hosting the Multidisciplinary Heat featuring (Arts/Education/Law/All Faculties) Date: Wednesday, Mar 04, 2020 | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Location: Presentation Room (Room 548, Walter C. Koerner Library)Tagged with:

Pixellating Mixer Project showcase: UnRoman Romans
February 13, 2020 Join us on Tuesday, March 3, 12.30pm at the Research Commons' Presentation Screen (Rm 480)Tagged with:

FIREtalks: Mental Health
February 3, 2020 Collaborate, network, and explore ideas across conventional disciplinary boundaries. Join us for FIREtalks, an interdisciplinary discussion forum run by graduate students for graduate students. Light refreshments, inspiring conversation, and mingling! When? Wednesday, February 26th in the UBC Library Research Commons (Koerner Library floor 5) from 4:00-6:00pm What is a FIREtalk? A FIREtalk (Facilitated Interdisciplinary Research Exchange) is […]Tagged with:

New “Core Skills” workshop series
January 20, 2020 Introducing our “Core Skills” series targeted at beginners interested in developing foundational digital and computer literacy skills. Learn to communicate with your computer through the command line, scrape information from the web, plan and execute your digital projects, and publish sustainable websites. Each workshop is a stand-alone. Upcoming workshops in the basic skills series: Thu, […]Tagged with:

Join us for a Sage Research Methods – Hands-on Workshop for Researchers!
January 16, 2020Tagged with:

Learn GitHub with us
December 24, 2019 Learn the basics of using Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration. Git is widely used version control software that tracks changes to a group of files, referred to as a repository. GitHub is a popular website for hosting and sharing Git repositories, making it easier to collaborate and share your work. Together, Git […]Tagged with: